lotto zhero + fg
2 days ago,i've bought a new pair of soccer boots..well,my previous boots were had a mouth on the tip of it..haha..the boots survived fer only 4 months..tats fast..heh..these boots can't be blamed lar coz i've got training daily..tats why..aha
anyway,i decided on buying a different brand..i've bought lotto instead of adidas or some other famous brands..the type is "lotto zhero +"..these boots r more comfortable coz it is slim..the shape r quite similar than the nikes' mecurial vapour..n not only has a small mirror on the heel side of the,maybe strikers or wingers will have a hard time dribbling past me coz of the shiny effect..hah..nah ..juz kiddin..
this morning,i had to attend the "A licence coaching course" is some sort like a selection for coaches to get thier A squad were called to participate in this was held in the Jalan Besar Stadium..the field was great..i decided to try on my new boots coz i had to seasoned it..wohoo!i felt very great when i tried on the was more comfortable than the previous friends even commented tat they could not see properly coz of the "silauness"..ahhaks..
i hope it will not affect my team members coz they might loss sight of me n couldn't see where im

lotto zhero + fg
yea..sitting right in front of my flat screen COMPAQ legs r tired..aishoww..
feelin a bit frustrated and annoying..we lost!damn it!it's a critical one..the score was goalkeeper was not in his's a waste..anyway the match goes like tis..
pritt!the kick off whistle were blown by the ref..they had the kick off at ferst..they gained possesion during the ferst 5 min..our strikers pressed them like lar.."hard" la..heh..we were all fighting to get the ball..a few mins. had passed..there goes thier left-wing..he was short n fast..he dribbled pass my left wing n i was on to cover..i played right back..i contained him n tried pressing him to da by-line..unfortunately,he get to dribbled through the centre..suddenly,,,a shot came frm goalkeeper managed to save the ball..but he lost control n slipped through his arms!the ball rolled slowly pass the goal post line..whoa!!unexpected man!this is a waste..
later..we tried to equalize the score..we fought through the 90 min..we were all hunger of getting goals..we had several chances but the ball juz can't get through the net..our team won the ball possesion..too bad..we failed to break the egg in the score board..i had a slight cramp in the last 5 min of the game..luqman then repaced me..our team was not demoralised but there's no luck..haisshh..nvrmnd..look on the bright side..there's still more games comin on our way..we need to learn n perfect our mistakes..well,nobody's perfect but there's still chances to improve.. eyes r gettin heavier rite feelin sleepy..oooOOOAAH!yawning..
juz had my lunch..yum2..nasi puteh wif ayam masak merah..fuyoo!i love this's tastes tremendous..heh..
now..gettin ready fer e match..against singapore sports sch. tonite..wohoo..we will play in thier home ground..definitely,will enjoy playin on the field..the warriors r already mentally prepared..same goes to the young lions..i mean the sports sch...but the da bad news is maybe,i will be playin in the central's all bcoz of my freakin centre back, la..juz kiddin..he injured his bloody ankle..heh=D..haishhow..well,well,well..wht to juz following da instructions given by my's a good experience 4 me..but my best position is right back..nvrmnd..
yep..ok..i better hurry..:)