Monday, June 26, 2006, 10:05 PM
just got ma haircut... arghhhhh!!damn short to the core man!wah!this auntie really wanna kena wack her not to cut so short but den she did..frustrated man..haiyaa..haha aishoww..nvrmnd larh..anyway,just now i had my first day of school for this term..okay usual..nothing bad happened..yep,only changes r the time off to doze rEnSmAn :;:;:;)
Sunday, June 25, 2006, 10:12 PM
what a day.. :) went Sentosa wif some of my peeps frm rgt tis morn..had fun n enjoyed..yea..i guess that is the last chance to be freedom b4 the skool starts. krepottss!!'s like just one week,fast seh..nvrmnd la..gotta face it man..aha anyway,gotta brush up my work in skool these semester coz it's getting closer n closer..okay,hope tis is not juz talking je uhh..gotta do it.. ;;;;) rEn
Friday, June 23, 2006, 11:10 PM
the brazilians defeated Japan 4-1 tis!this is incredible's a warning siren to teams like argentina, netherland,germany n england,,i guess..well,at ferst,the Japanese lead the game by 1-0 but they couln't keep the possesion of the ball n so, da brazilians take control of the game..they played beautifully..passes were all accurate n fast..they're very composed..they were like dancing in the field man!yea.." GInga"..wonderful! yep,i guess this is where legends will be born..players are starting to show out thier true colours n capability..  rEn
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 10:47 PM
aishoww's been quite some time since i last updated tis blog of mine..yea.Anyway,juz come back frm training n now,munching some potato chips in my feelin a bit tired right now.."one dot je"..heheh.. yep,2moro there's no training n im off!yeapee..:D..but unfortunately,the combined schools training is still on..:('s in morning!haish..gotta wake up early again.. but nvrmnd..hardwork i say,it's all up there,,ur mentality n confidence..cehbah..speakin seh! well,juz a short one la..nothin much this time..OK..TATA.. gotta watch the world matches later on..enjoy!wokay..;D rEn
Thursday, June 15, 2006, 12:30 AM
JOGA bonito,,WTF!!
okae..fer 2day's post..ahha..gonna see tis vid guys..did it juz now..its damn stupid..a bunch of idiots..haha..actin like they're Christiano Ronaldo n Z 2 freakin freestylers r leman n me..wakakaka!enjoy e iz it?yeah..i's LAME..ok..fine till then..wakaka.. rEn
Monday, June 12, 2006, 1:09 AM
yeah..finally..home sweet home..fhoowwhh..after a long journey back frm Kuantan..the holiday was fun n enjoyable..yep. juz cut it short..OK..went to Kuantan instead of Chiangmai coz there's no availibilty of flight tickets anymore..well,we took a car n drove there..the journey was quite long.. encounter several problems..+ n - ok, tried his new car n went up to 200km/ was damn fast.. was a lil bit scared at tat time coz accident may occur..ahhak..well,nothin bad happened..while driving,some bugs kept splatting onto e front was so discusting!imagine if u were riding a motorcycle..ahha!u will remember it fer the whole of ur anyway,went to Pulau Lang Tengah.. D'coconut..but can't fight wif Pulau Perhentian..gone there b4 back den n the place was more better..hah snorkelling.. corals r not so good n beautiful..due to da monsoon tat occured several months b4.. saw the black tip shark..n some white tip..ok..those never disturb one..residents of there food was great.. built a sandcastle of a sexy looking women figure wif was tremendous..other tourists passes by n took some pictures of really can make money out of tat..wakkkaka..we named it e asian JLO..coz of da sexy experienced the world cup matches there..n it was lively..everyone enjoyed..haha.. yup..juz cut it short till here..its 1 a.m now..anyway,i've got several mosquito bites on me..haha..:D off to doze.. rEn
Thursday, June 08, 2006, 1:45 PM
it's raining again..the rainy season just ended n it's gonna come again..maybe..well..ok.. im goin on a holiday tis wk..wif ma dad n not sure where's the place we r heading to..maybe it's Chiangmai ,if there's still tickets fer da flight..hmm..if not, we will go for Malaysia..ok..nvrmnd.. anyway,im gonna watch da coming event,which the world r waiting fer, The Fifa World Cup,at's gonna be really fun n exciting..wohoo! well,i better start packing now..ok..till nxt tyme..:) rEn
Tuesday, June 06, 2006, 11:17 PM
i feel soOO great!yeah very very relieved..uhhh..yeah..hey,don't be dirty minded yar..actually i juz finished doin my
ok..went 2 town wif some of my fellow regenites just now..mus was the one who decided tis plan..he wanted to survey some of da guitars at peninsula plaza..maklomlah,,da pro kn abg kirk hammert was planning to buy a new guitar..but the cost of his dream guitar was too to save some more money to fulfill his offense..:)
Sunday, June 04, 2006, 11:29 PM
yo,tis is goin to be my 3rd post fer 2day..haha..anyway,juz came back frm home..went out wif dad juz now evening..had dinner at swensens..hmm..yum2..da food was delicious..but actually he's tastes better than mine coz i ordered the salmon+mushroom spaghetti..he ordered the black pepper seafood spaghetti..i tot mine tastes better coz it had da salmon dish was more spicy than mine..well,ok..what to as u know,food need to be digested slowly n calmly through our,we had a short walk around the singapore river..we strolled pass clarke quay,enjoyed the scenery..there were lots of bars n restaurants down was lively..even in underground tunnels,there were musicians playing thier musical instruments with was wonderful..these poor musicians have talents in them.. after tat,my dad want to have some teh,we went to arab street n have some teh tarik..the teh tarik was pleasant..we sat down there n leksings,aka had my desert down there n it was nice.. ok,till here's midnite..i better sleep now b4 my 8 hrs of sleep will be,i have classes to attend 2moro..aishoww..nvrmnd..come 'n marnn!wake up!it's N level..haha rEn
figurin' out
went to jammin at J.E juz now wif arep,mus n cake..juz figuring out what song we will be playing..hmm,da auditions r comin on our way..we r still trying to search what song will be the perfect one..ahha yep,teacher's day's coming soon..this is the time to make them proud n at the same time,show our talents too..hope to find the one we r lookin fer..peace :D
it was a fight match against the protectors aka home team had a match against them yesterday evening..we were leading by one goal which was scored by was a fantastic one..the goal was assists by syah..they r our two short n quick strikers..we maintained our fighting spirit till the end of da game.. the warriors went on fighting till the end..da protectors had several chances..same goes to us..i played right mid this time..i was not able to change my mindset to this position properly as my usual position r better..well,it's all up there marnn.. we managed to keep the lead till the end of the battle..not only tat..we managed to take revenge on them as da last match against them was a fatal one..yep..tats all fer now..
Music y