Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 11:11 PM
Damn it.. They should have told us earlier bout the SUPERNOVA..yeah.lol The Registration is over..hha..neh..there's always another one in the future.khekhe Im lookin forward 2 this yr's Teacher's day concert..i'd love to send some music to the ears of our students if the almighty one would let me to.n also ASA i get to master those beautiful skills..wakaka,,more training is needed marnn. ;D It's a challenge that i have to overcome as this yr's schedule is going to be damn freakin pack to the max..i'll have to steal some time to achieve them.. yep.it's all..............,,i need not say those words again rite???well,,who knows rite,that we gotta "work hard" or " to keep or mindset to the correct one" n bla bla bla blabla...muahahah. Nowadays,,SOME pple out there,,in fact alot,, keep saying those phrases n some other,, thousands of thousands of thousands time,as if they will definitely do it or is it so cool to use them..wakaka Ermm,,my apology to those who "TERASE" or what ehk..But that's the fact.. hha..no hard feelings yea.. yep,,originality n individuality.. roger out off for supper n to dreamland..hhe like a creepin grindstone on the twilight of the new millenium.
Monday, January 29, 2007, 9:13 PM
gonna catch the finals! One of my peeps bought the tickets just now..wee 'Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on. And it makes me wonder. ' behold the gateway between the past n the present
Sunday, January 28, 2007, 2:36 AM
Wasn't present at the stadium for the match between singapore n malaysia just now.. CCCOOOZZZ . coz we were at THE GIG!!muahaha..This time it's an acoustic indie..caught two of the bands which have done very2 well..vocals n guitarisits was absolutely wonderful.. ermm.yep..had a jamming session before that..hmmm,,we sounded quite awful as the tones of the guitars was not the same..They should replace the strings wif new ones yar.. hmm,,wondering...scales??khekhe..yep,,patience2..into the world babeh!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 10:38 PM
Went to the zoological gardens during school hours this morning to kick some animal asses..lol.nah,,kid2....just to find researches for some of the students who do not have thier own ideas of choosing a theme for art..hhe nnnNNNnnn,,At the same time im looking for some background images n colours for my theme..yep Some of the pics taken..  " hmm,yummy..what wood is this exactly??it tastes marvelous.."hha  "hey!humans!im not wearing my undies la dey!..it's indecent exposure!so,scrum off pple!"wakak "would u know my name..if i saw u in heaven...."menjiwangingz..  JACKASS penguins..WTF!hhe  "wow!what a beautiful animal!!!i almost broke my fingers!"steve ren hunting a huge croc..lol lol
Sunday, January 21, 2007, 11:16 PM
" 'Cause the walls started shaking, The earth was quaking, My mind was achin', And we were makin' it and you... "let's start from the scratch.
After a hard time searchin for it,,we finally found the "warehouse".khehe Tried out some of the bloody expensive ones like joe satriani,steve vai series,n even fender stratocaster ,,,wif the great amps. Just a single tap on the fretboards made my butt glued onto the seats..lol Think that Arep chose the right one..save up a lil more n u'll fulfill ur dream dude..hha
Thursday, January 18, 2007, 11:38 PM
pheww,,just got back frm a tiring day.. To school,to khatib camp n to paradiz centre..wakaka. He was right,,there will be lots of obstacles in between..Let this be a reality for me.. :D Insya-allah.. it's midnite now,,im off to doze. A or B..hmm,,i'll take the long route then..hee
Monday, January 15, 2007, 10:23 PM
great2 news..yeehaa! we've a choice of chosing our own theme..khehe n I tink this yr's gonna be the last badge...muahahah Basically,,im gonna do "ehemm.....ehemm"(u guys know what i mean)...lalala ----___-----..lol
Saturday, January 13, 2007, 11:46 AM
At first we was thinking that the camp was going to be a boring one..hha But after sometime,,,,it turn out to be one of those which will be remembered again in future..;D Everybody had absolute fun..The greatest fun experienced was the "AMazing Race"..We traveled around the heart of Singapore which was in the Town area..Everyone began in exposing thier sense of initiative and creativeness.. Although the weather seems to be bad again,I really had great time..yep 2day's another fresh new day..gonna accompany fren to SWEE LEE to survey some drum sets..n also some guitars. im off i've recieved that call!!wee
Tuesday, January 09, 2007, 10:11 PM
There'll gonna be a school camp for the whole level in my school 2moro.It's so called a last min plan..waha. n im goin out later to stay up through the nite wif them till the sun rises..lol
Monday, January 08, 2007, 10:22 PM
still2 waiting for the call that'll bring me into their wonderful world. Lost time is never found again...
Friday, January 05, 2007, 8:40 PM
I was attacked with Sorethroats n Flu this morning..It's gettin worse now.. lucky there's no major lessons were taught as i couldn't concentrate at all.. Gonna find some medicine at home..A panadol will do. Meetin them again later as there will be no school 2moro.. THE BEST WAY TO KNOW LIFE IS TO LOSE MANY THINGS...
Thursday, January 04, 2007, 8:50 PM
arghh!! Being sent home 2 days straight from school n iv'e just got my haircut this morning NNnnnnNN it's damn short to the max again.hahaha wanna know y i get caught??bet u'll laugh like hell!! Bcoz of my CURLY hair!!!hha..Miss bunny thought that i have permed my hair during the hols.. aishooww..that's y u look like BUGS BUNNY la miss DM..khekhe crazy pple.sorry,,but that's the fact.;D off to doze All our knowledge has it's origin in our perceptions
Tuesday, January 02, 2007, 9:58 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007, 10:58 PM
2 more days before school reopens..N let us enjoy ourselves for the last time...lol Meetin them later n it's gonna be the final night of thoning b4 school's resumed. Basically,we will be jammin the whole night long n also arep will be teaching us some techniques n exercises..heh.soOo,,it will be so called like a "half day" guitar lesson..yep.understand??no..ok nvrmnd..haha im off. BE IT.
Had great2 fun yesterday!We had our countdown at the esplanade.. aiyohooo!The place was packed like hell..It's like as if there were ants moving everywhere..hha.I was all drenched up wif my sweat coz everyone was squeezing together.lol Well,some things happened yesterday..khehe.Hanafi was drunk!he was feeling soO high n drooled tat time.lol. Met lotsa familiar peepz down there..aishoow.guess that all was in the mood of thoning!haha..eventhough it's already like 3am in the morning there's still a lot of pple lepak by the bay n hocker centres.. Lau PAr Sat is getting bad to worse..the food they served was damn not nice,,haha..It's all plain to the core n they have the guts to charge a lot!never gonna eat there again unless there's no other better places to eat. anyway,anyway,anyway,anyway,,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR!! i'll post some vids of the fireworks when i've upload them. Make a million out of it.
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