Oh,yeah,,there's so many things happened in my life during these holidays.
Most of the time I enjoyed myself and in fact, I really made use of the time.I had been mixing arnd with lots of companies,mainly the music lovers.yep
oh,There's too many to share with man.aha
So,yeah..It's been a while and There's like only a few more weeks to the day that will somehow determines my future :).Thinking of it,i still remember the first paper of O levels.hha
Everyone's faces was ultimately nervous and at the same filled with so much confidence.
And before i knew it,I am already enjoying myself right know.ahha.
woooww,time really flies man.Today marks the first day of school and it's fantastic.................
school???ahha.oh,sorry..im just kiddin man.:D
Yes,btw,im already employed.But it's kinda hard to work right now due to some issues.haha
Actually,it's because of my long-curly hair..I've promised myself not to cut it again after a few weeks before the Olevels officially started.hha..so yeah.
ermm,oh the gig at DXO was okay..To be frank,not many people really turn up for the gigg actually..aha.Alot of them went for other better giggs which doesnt really cost so much as ours.Well,,it doesnt matter anyway coz we've rocked the stage!And it really boost up our confidence level man.We also recieved quite a number of compliments from those people regarding our original and covers:D
yep,for know,we're still looking for more giggs in future.
alright then,im off to doze.. :)