Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 12:59 AM
oh,I could feel that your hands ignite a simmering passion.. My body keeps trembling and my heart beats faster than ever. It affect my senses througout..aww,i adore.:) your contented smile and touch made me float.. err,natural and speechless??yes,it's so indulging! :)
it's the first and i simply couldnt make the move yet. be by my side..:)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 11:20 PM
 no no..
err,I really hope that it's just another negative thought which is Soooo untrue..
err,shouldn't have fallen in so much..oh maaaan,,It keeps on running through my mind now..damn it.
erm,yeah,all i can say is,, just be honest cuz I really wouldn't wanna face this shit.
Friday, March 07, 2008, 5:51 AM
coated with chocolate?aww man,lovely.. Somehow i feel rather complete and satisfied with your presence..err..clueless don't know?why?how?err,that's lovely.. time?erm,yeah.. gratified?precisely wow,,,,,,,,,,the power of law of attraction..It explains everything! "ahh........." oh,that's what they called L__e??pretty indulging huh :)
Sunday, March 02, 2008, 5:10 PM
 Okay,so there have been so many memorable and wonderful events happened for the past three months of my life.oh well,maybe some of you are wondering why I have not been updating so frequently..hmm,maybe cause im lazy or i think that i need not to.. err,just forget about it.
Results was okay and been posted to SP in a design course.School's starting soon and i bet that everything will be so different compared to Secondary Sch's life.oh yeah, im so looking forward to it man :)Furthermore,there's plenty of my friends in that school,so there should not be a problem..yeah
Band's have been performing in quite a number of gigs and there's more to come..Will update more about it soon...Oh and there's this two other bands which plays the same genre as us too an they're actually our friends which came from different routes..hmm,yeah we've been gigging and jamming together for quite sometime though.Recently,we did a compilation and performed in "Actors",one of the bars in clarke quay.aha,and that's a great experience man!
Apart from that,,ermm..I have a new baby! :D yeah,Bought it last month with a great offer..It's a Red Fender Stratocaster Yngwie Malmsteen Signature Series!wahaha :D For now,im just getting used to the scalloped fretboard which are actually rarely used by guitarists out there.I'll post some pics of the baby soon :)
err,I think im in ___?or is it just a random feeling?oh well,im missing somebody..err
Music y