Oh, well
To all the avid readers that constantly visits my blog to check out for new updates on me,i apologize for not updating that often.I know it has been months since i last updated this dusty old blog of mine..
Frankly,I am plain lazy to do so due to the occurrence in my life right now..
Ermmm,yeah,life has been pretty much beautiful and complete with my adorable girlfriend, Fizah.Yes,I have fallen soo deep for her and i cant imagine how'd my life would be without her.She's my moon,my sun and stars,my earth,my sky,my sea and everything!I keep missing her each and everytime when she's away from me and after seeing her,all my unease will ends..I'd shiver with the warmth of her hugs and kisses...
ahhh,dear!!i want you to know that i love u so freaking much and it's more than you ever ever know..You are my sunshine baby:)
School's have been rather hectic with the flooding of projects and assignments..Yet i enjoyed every piece of work that was given despite the fact that it acquires a great amount of hardwork and patience..In fact,these works maximises my perceptions and knowledge on generating brilliant ideas..I am starting to think more design-ly with things that revolves around me..
I have been listening and came by across really good music these days..and I believe that there's a never-ending theory to all of these..I'll keep on digging in as deep as i could cuz i'd love to feeeeel the true pleasure in my playing one day just like any other greatest players up there..